
Showing posts from April, 2021

Algorithmic Trading System - How to Setup One for You

Algo  Trading System and How it Works Despite being introduced in India for almost a decade ago, Algo Trading feels new to many and rightly so because it is a complex and new concept.  Around 15% of the trading in the cash market segment of India is through algo trading and if you are a Trader and unaware of it then this is the right place for you.  Because, as any other technical advancement that happens in the 21st century, we are going to adopt algo trading either today or tomorrow. So, it is good to get familiar with the concept.  We have had detailed discussions in our previous blogs explaining what is algo trading , how algo trading benefits a trader , does it really have a future, some myths associated with it and some most worked in algo trading strategies .  Next up, here we are going to explain how an average Algo Trading System actually works.  Algorithmic Trading or Algo Trading as you all know or may not know places trade for you when market trends/numbers reaches a

14 of The Tested and Most Worked in Algo Trading Strategies

Algorithmic Trading Strategies First of all, nobody can guarantee anything about the financial market and how it will react to a day's event, but with an optimistic mindset everyone is trying out a strategy to make profits and remain in the market.  Whether a given strategy is successful depends solely on market conditions. Here we list some potential strategies for Algorithmic Trading that are used or can be used to make profits: Strategy 1: Trend Identification As Algo Trading can process a large chunk of Data easily, it can help one by analysing the trends early and can help in identifying how short or long lived the trend will be.  And since algo’s strategies are made based on pricing, volume and various similar concepts to which a trader is familiar, he can easily rely on the produced results.  It is difficult for an individual to analyse this huge data in real time and not miss out on things. Algo does that for an individual. So that he can perform trade in real time. Strate